Monday, April 20, 2009

Shake that groove thang (somebody otta hose her down)

This is a post of randomness.
I am annoyed at work today because I want to spend money from my budget - which I am in charge of and supposed to spending from. But have been told that what I want to spend is too much. This is money to be spent on a program which I was told I HAD to have. I do not want to do this program at all, I think it will fail miserably. I want to spend the money to get things to ensure some sort of success. Now I am told that I am spending too much and can we not do this some other way? Ummmm - no. This is the way I want to do it, this is what I want to spend. You are making me do this and so therefore you should suck it up since I am fairly certain that my way will ensure some sort of sucess and that your way is gonna once again be an embarassing failure.
I am totally digging the TV show "Reaper" I dunno why, it is usually not my thing but I am completely in love with it.
I had to fast last night for blood work this morning. I hate that. I dunno why. I just do. I don't mind going and having the blood taken, I hate the having to get up, not have anything (so I am bitchy, groggy, mean spirited and cranky since I have not had any caffeine or gym) and just show up to have a needle stabbed in your arm. Surly there must be some other way to do this?
On saturday I wrote a final for my microeconomics course. I was not a fan of this class. I was not looking forward to this class at all, I hate anything remotely math based. However, I felt the same way about accounting last summer and that class rocked (mainly cause of the prof) so I was trying to have a positive attitude about micro. Class did not rock. Prof did not rock. Hated it. Stupid. And the final was cumulative and worth 60%. The final was a lie, it focused on 3 chapters - oligopolies, monopolies and perfect competition. There was nothing about tax, business start up, imperfect competition, or anything else that I had studied.
Now I hate this prof. Even though he did shake my hand as I was leaving.
And that is about it for the moment.


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