Monday, January 04, 2010

what kind of a fucking moron are you?

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seems askewed?
Not that it is a tangibly bad day, but you just know that there are probably gonna be fireants in your crotch, but you don't look - cause you know if you look they will be there? But sheer avoidance means that they will not be there. (the logic is simple, c'mon - keep up).
Well today I had an ass of a patron just unplug a computer. According to Fuckface (that is not his name as far as I am aware, but just the name I thought I would give him) the computer had froze for well over 10 seconds and he had decided to take matters into his own hand. I informed him that computers are delicate instruments and that since this one belonged to the library and not him, that he should indeed have a staff person handle the problem as it could be an I.T. thing. He did not like my attitude, he could do whatever he wished. He pays taxes you know. ho hum. No I was not aware that people pay taxes, no one ever told me that. Really? Taxes? Is that where 42% of my income goes? So that I can pay to have the library buy a new computer cause you just fucked that one up buddy? Well isn't that a fine how do you do?
The man gives me a dirty look as he realizes that the computer is not going to work. Was it just broken? Or did his unplugging it while still running cause the issue? I guess we will never know.

And then I have what appears to be a patron with two seperate accounts. A Dan and a Danny. Easy enough, just stop the one account. No! Wait! Not that easy - Dan and Danny are twin brothers. What kind of moronic fucking parent names identical twins essentially the same name? Why not just call them Hey and Hey you, cause really is that not what the situation is going to become anyways? Dan and Danny? Really?
Seriously? As a parent I would reconsider, not only is it going to make teachers lives hard, but what about government records? Credit cards? Banks? Etc - they have the same fucking birthday and essentially the same damn name, I hope one of them is not evil cause then dan/danny is gonna be up a certain shit creek without a certain instrument.
I would go to the bathroom now, but I don't want to find those ants.


At Thursday, 14 January, 2010, Blogger emily said...

Dan and Danny? Are you fucking kidding me? People are really fucking stupid.

I sincerely hope you did not find any fireants, in your crotch or elsewhere.


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